Balkhash Museum was created on the initiative of the young Communists and the constructors of the city in 1970. The official opening of the Museum is the 25th of September 1973. But this event was preceded by:


13.03.1966 y. - The I - th city meeting Komsomol 3 generations, where it was decided to organize in the city istoriko-Museum of local lore.


29.12.1969 y. - went to the order of the Ministry of culture of the Kazakh SSR "On the formation of the Museum of local lore in the city. Balkhash"


23.03.1970 y. - the building of the furniture store to the Museum.


25.09.1973 y. - Opening of the first exposition of the Museum, which was called "Rock carvings of the Northern Balkhash and the material culture of the Palaeolithic and Neolithic times". It is the result of joint work of the staff of the Museum and scientific employees of the cities of Moscow, Leningrad, Almaty. Until now the exhibition is a business card and the main asset of the Museum.


Further the history of the Museum is as follows:


7.05.1975 y. - open the departments of "the Nature of Northern Balkhash" and "Balkhash in the years of the great Patriotic war"


6.11.1975 y. - opened a Department of "Balkhash in the years of first five-year plans" March 1977 y. - Museum visited da Kunayev, first Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist party of Kazakhstan.


26.10.1978 y. - The exhibition is organized by the 60-th anniversary of Komsomol of 700 exhibits, which was visited by the first Secretary of the Central Committee of LCSM of Kazakhstan Sultanov To.


01.07.1980 y. - the staff of the Museum took part in the VIII Republican meeting of young Communist League "Roads of the glory of the fathers".


27.07.1982 y. - The solemn opening of the hall of "Balkhash in 1946 -1961 I.I."


28.07.1982 y. - Museum visited Dec. The Minister of culture of the Kazakh SSR.


17.12.1983 y. - opening of the hall of the "Establishment and strengthening of Soviet power in the region. 1917 -1925 years" April 1988 y. - For active work on propaganda in connection with the 50 th anniversary of the city. Balkhash Balkhash city historical Museum of local lore was awarded with the Honorary diploma of the Zhezkazgan oblast Executive Committee of the workers ' Council.


1988-1991 y. - in the transitional economic period, the Museum was in a state of conservation in connection with the lack of funds for maintenance. The main problem of that time was the preservation of the Museum and its collections.


1992-1996 y.y. - In the Museum of being overhauled and reexposition.

18 may 1996 y. - Opening of the new exposition of the Museum. February 1999 y. - the change of status of state institutions to kgkp "Balkhash city historical Museum of local lore". August 2005 y. - construction of a new stand-Mart "Socio-economic development of the city. Balkhash, repair and the new design of the conference hall.


18 March 2006 y. - the opening of the new partitions "Kazakh folk instruments" and "Figures of musical culture and folk artists of the Northern Balkhash".

on April 8, 2006 y. - Opening of the section "Social-economic development of the city. Balkhash".

November 2007 y. - completed reexposition picturesque panels "Species of animals and plants Balkhash - ili basin, listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan"


Today Balkhash Museum, a cultural institution of regional significance, by the right is considered one of the centers of cultural life of the city, long earned a well-deserved and honourable reputation. Its funds consist of more than 40 thousand exhibits. Balkhash Museum complex (historical-local lore) includes three main profile (historical, natural-scientific and ethnographic), which is reflected in the composition of the funds and the content of activities, organisational structure. Study of local lore and protection of historical and cultural values are a priority for the Museum, but in this case, they are oriented on the widest use of the Museum collection in the educational purposes.