The most interesting expositions of the Museum are located in the hall of Ethnography and everyday life of the Kazakh people and the hall of archeology. The visitor can make a kind of walk through time and space, carefully consider complex "the Kazakh yurta", organized on the principle of recreating the living environment, which is based on a true киіз үй indigenous inhabitants of the Northern Balkhash, which in its internal decoration of the entire complement of products applied crafts, characteristic of the Central Kazakhstan.


He could then look at the "blacksmith's workshop", "Economic yard", where acquainted with the tools for processing of leather, wool, bones, see the traditional pen for cattle and a stuffed horse in the decoration. Then you can plunge into the atmosphere of the artisan man, who produced both for themselves and for sale мәси (boots) of fine leather, торсыки, tekemet, syrmaks, ожау, rings, buckles, mother-of-pearl buttons.....


it All in separately located allocated for a more detailed display the sections "Home art crafts", "the Interior of the yurta", "National costumes", "Jewelry". In a word, the exposition of ethnographic hall is a unique cultural-historical landscape through the details of provincial life.