Contact phone numbers


The Director of The Museum - Сеильханова Aziz Каркешовна

Tel: 6-59-70


Chief curator - Ихашова Асыл Сериковна

Tel: 6-59-30


Senior scientific researcher-Кожаков Daulet Mr.

Tel: 6-59-30


Methodologist of the Museum - Ағылбаева Меруерт Бегдайыровна

Tel: 6-59-30


Chief accountant-organizer of the state purchases - Асылханова Орынтай Жоламановна

Tel: 6-59-70


the Schedule of reception of citizens


the Director of the Museum Сеильханова Aziz Каркешовна

Wednesday, Friday from 15-18 .00


Vice-daily from 9.00 to 18.00 h.


Chief accountant-the organizer of the state purchases - Асылханова Орынтай Жоламановна


Wednesday, Thursday from 15.00 to 17.00 h