For visitors to the Museum actively engaged in the activities of all the forms of education: the lessons lecture-hall and the club of interesting meetings of local lore, reading, which operate on a periodic basis, practiced conversations on various topics, excursions, lessons, видеоэкскурсии, arranged a meeting of veterans, are contests experts on the history of the native land, thematic evenings students and senior pupils.


Classes lecture course «History of Kazakhstan: modern vision» were devoted to the topics of contemporary history and politics:


- Academician To. A. Satpayev and science of Kazakhstan

- The fate broken piece of string. To the 110-anniversary of the birth of T. Ryskulova

- Monuments and monuments of Balkhash

- The process of democratization of Kazakhstan society and the protection of national security

- Strengthening of interethnic and inter - confessional accord is the basis of the internal political stability of Kazakhstan.


On the topic of «the well-Known researchers of the earth and the history of Central Kazakhstan»:

- В.В.Радлов

- Ш.Уалиханов

- «History of mass-media city. Balkhash»


The literary Association «Surf»

«The book with the autograph», «We live with you in the sea under the name of Balkhash» (P. Tamarina).

«Balkhash in the creative work of the poet And. Shlygin».

«Balkhash literary routes L. Martynov, With. Markov, In. Ivanova».

«Balkhash in belletrictics».

«Our compatriot, a journalist and a writer Tonnes. Koygumanov»

«With. Sanbaev: cross-cutting theme Balkhash»

- Sh.Kudayberdiev

- G.Potanin and many others.


Guests of the Club of interesting meetings were Honorary citizens of the town of Balkhash, Hero of Socialist Labor Н.Чекушина, Н.Абугалиев, the Merited coach of KazSSR Ю.Лебедев, Honored doctor of the KazSSR К.Касымов, veterans of the great Patriotic war К.Маков, Мишановский, К.Кошербаев, M. Данникова, Honored Builder of the KazSSR М.Борщевская, Honored worker of culture of the Kazakh SSR . И.Струсинский, and many others. permanent circle, or, rather, club kids, students of local lore in the Balkhash historical-Museum of local lore is working during the 6 years of review-competition of search work of «Zhas шежіреші» - «the Young chronicler». Every year the theme of the search engine is different. For example, in the contest of 2004 held under the motto «the Name on the map of the city,» search group of secondary school # 10 held a walking tour on the Central street of lake Balkhash, school-gymnasium # 2 - identified and collected in the Museum of the descendants of the famous akyn Balkhash Шашубая Koshkarbayev, school - grammar school № 7 has conducted a public opinion survey on the street behalf of the national poet Нарманбета on the subject of what they know about it countrymen, school # 17 - organized a meeting of the street Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev, hero of the storming of the Nazi Reichstag. The annual total number of mass events held by the Museum, reaches 60-70, of which the third part are carried out by staff of the Museum outside of its walls.


For the smallest балхашцев in kindergartens «Балдырган», «Куншуак», «Vishenka», «alpamis» held a quiz on the theme: «Saryarka - my land, my wealth», «the Kazakh yurta», «Country of miracles» and others. Not overlooked species and production groups. Thanks to constant contacts with the leadership, public organizations, enterprises, institutions in the Museum frequently request the conduct of VIP-tours for the participants of various conferences, seminars, guest visits, business trips. In the summer months the work on attraction of visitors is conducted among school and country camps, as well as among the population.


Most large-scale of audience coverage and bright by genre and thematic decision of the organizational-mass events were: - musical evening «At the beginning of the national Opera (folk artists of Kazakhstan K. Baiseitova, E.Eponeshnikova, M.Erzhanova)». To the 70 anniversary of the academic theatre of Opera and ballet named after Abay


- city national-ethnographic contest among the labour and educational collectives «of a restored heritage of ancestors» in the program «Nauryz - meiramy»

- the contest of Kazakh national costumes «national costume is a synthesis of folk art» in the program «Nauryz - 2004»

- photo exposition «the History of the lens of the camera», dedicated to the day of birth of Balkhash town, in the framework of the days of culture institutions of the city

- the decade, devoted to the 100 anniversary of academician A.H. Margulan. (in the program of exhibitions, lectures, interviews, documentary almanac «Әлекең асқан асулар»)

- the literary-musical evening «Songs on the roads of war», devoted to Day of the Victory

- the lesson of courage «Рухы жоғарғы халықтың tarihy мәңгілік», dedicated to the 59th anniversary of the Victory

- musical evening «Line of Russian romance» in the month of the languages of the peoples of Kazakhstan

- day of a young warrior «Shield of the homeland», out of the event to the Day of Constitution of the RK mobile complex exhibition «Cape алыптары», devoted to the Day of Metallurgist (Palace of culture,)

- «Round table» on a theme «the Kazakh language: reflection in history» in the month of the languages of the peoples of Kazakhstan

- night of the Kazakh folklore «Ғасырлыр үні» in the month of the languages of the peoples of Kazakhstan

- evening-a portrait of a veteran-marine And. T. Dementieva from the series «Zheңіs tarihtyң paraқtary» - «Pages of history of the Victory»

- the contest of school search group «Zhas шежіреші» - «the Young chronicler» on the theme «the Name on the map of the city».

- students ' competition of experts on the history, Ethnography and culture of the «Babalar мұрасы - халық қазынасы» - «the Heritage of the ancestors - wealth of the people», dedicated to the Day of state independence.


The Museum's Staff is actively render scientific-methodical and consulting assistance and control over the work of public museums.


They Annually conduct workshops for public and school museums.


For example, on the basis of the Museum education school № 4 has held a seminar-workshop for public museums and search groups of the city's schools on the theme: « Participation of young pathfinders in the study and promotion of the history of the region». The workshop clearly demonstrated search, propaganda, educational and developmental opportunities of school museums and the Pathfinder, the state and the main directions of their local activities, has developed specific recommendations for improvement.


With the organizers of the children's holiday camps are held classes on the topic «the study of local lore work in the summer camp: methodology and content».


The participants of the seminar provides specific recommendations on the management of the camps, placed in the Бектауата, historical-regional studies and краеведческо-natural Sciences work among children of different age groups. every Year, routinely school visit museums scientific employees of the local and give them advice on conducting the accounting documentation, design of expositions.


Speeches in mass media

Coverage of the activities of the Museum are conducted through the performance of the employees of the city radio, publications in the regional and local


Newspapers. In the year of printing about 12-15 articles. Special resonance among readers caused publications:


1. «Рухы биік ұрпақ - basty мақсат» № 7-8 (11521) 20 қаңтар 2010ж. «Балқаш өңірі» gazetі. N.Қanafin.

2. «Балқащ қалалық мұражайының 2009 жылы атқарған жұмысы жайлы ақпараты», № 11 (11524) 27 қаңтар 2010 g. «Балқаш өңірі» gazetі. A.Seilhanova

3. «Жарқын бейне», № 25-26 (11539) 24 қаңтар 2010 g. «Балқаш өңірі» gazetі. Өз тілшімізден.

4. «Memory», № 20-21 (569) 19 ақпан 2010ж. «Northern pribalkhash» gazetі.

5. «Nauryzғa kөrіk Bergen sұlu sәn», № 39-40 26 Nauryz 2010 g. "Balқash өңіrі" gazetі. D.Kozhakov

6. «Experts of the history of the region», no. 120 of 20 қazan 2010zh. «Northern pribalkhash» gazetі. A.Rozhkova

7. «Babalar mұrasy - Halyk қazynasy», № 126-127, 22 October 2010 g. "Balқash өңіrі" gazetі Z.Syzdykova

8. «Балқаш - қобызшылар мекені», № 129-130 (11642) 29 қазан 2010ж. «Балқаш өңірі» газеті өлкетанушы K.Sardarbek.

9. «Мұражай әсері», 20 қараша «Балқаш өңірі»газеті. Өз тілшімізден.

10. «Young chronicler», №146 from December 22, 2010, the newspaper «Northern pribalkhash» A.Rozhkova

11. «Balқash temіrzhol magistralі: tarihy Myung maңyzy» № 154 29 қaңtar 2010 g.